Cap Gown Tassel

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Cap Gown & Tassel

Guidelines on how to wear your cap and gown

NBHSA SC - Kindergarten Cap, Gown and Tassel

NBHSA SC - Senior Cap, Gown and Tassel

Ordering Cap Gown and Tassel

Guidelines for the graduate on how to wear your cap and gown:
* The cap is worn flat on the head.
* The gown should fall midway between the knee and ankle.
* Boys should remove their caps during the commencement ceremony prayer.
* Tassels will be worn on the right side and shifted to the left when graduates receive their diploma.
* Boys generally choose to wear dark trousers and a dress shirt and tie under their gowns.
* Girls generally wear a lightweight dress or a blouse and a skirt that is shorter than the gown so it does not hang below the gown.

Kindergarten - Cap, Gown and Tassel
Cap And Gown Color:  Light Blue (NBHSA SC colors)
Tassel Color: Light Blue and Gold (NBHSA SC colors)

Senior Cap, Gown and Tassel
Cap And Gown Color:  Royal Blue (NBHSA SC colors)
Tassel Color: Royal Blue and Gold (NBHSA SC colors)

Ordering Cap Gown and Tassel

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